Friday, July 22, 2011

A Good Student

A good student is the same as being a professional, I remember one of my mentor from the past told me that being a professional is consist of three things, the KSA or Knowledge, Skills and Attitude. If you are knowledgeable and skillful but you don’t have the manners, then, you don’t have the rights to be called as a professional.

These things can also apply being a good student, you or should I say, we must have this three things; the KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude.)If you want to be a good student then, use your wits for doing the right things not for stupid stuff; it will only lead you to the wrong path. Before I end this, I want to leave a phrase saying that, “A good student must have initiative; they should not be mere imitators. They must learn to think and act for themselves--and be free.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Call for a Decision

“Vengeance is mine I will repay,” says the Lord; whatever a man sows, that's what he will reap. Choose you this day whom he will serve, repent from all your sins for it is a fearful things to pull from the hands of the living God.

Me, a sinner to repent, you don’t know me? I go to the church every Sunday, I give my alms to the poor, and I give my tithes and offerings. See what I’m doing? No, I’m not a sinner. But from the pulpit comes stronger word of the Lord; “All have sinned and come short for the glory of God.” Your righteousness as filthy rugs to him, you can’t be saved by your good works.

What about my money, my time, my strength and my sacrifices for the church? Will those shall be nothing? Oh no! I tried to reasoned out and justify myself. “I came from a Christian family, the Lord knows that! The word of God that sharper than two swords struck my whole being, the Holy Spirit condemned me. “You are a sinner! You are a sinner! You are a sinner!” My heart began to beat faster, I can’t run away from him, his searching light is upon me, I can’t hide; it’s hurt to kick the freak. What shall I do? Please forgive all my sins Lord.

The Lord has forgiven me, I’m now his child, yes, though I walk through the valley, the shadows of death I will fright no evil for thy art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Isla Culion

It’s almost two months since I’ve been there in Culion Palawan, but, until now, all those stuff that I have experienced there is still fresh in my mind. At first, I doubted to go there because of its image as leper colony since 1920’s, however, I was wrong to think that it was a nightmare to go there. As I went there I felt so excited, I was amazed for the reason that it such a place worthy to be called as; “paradise.” I only spent two weeks of my time there but I have learned so much from that experience, I proved that the rumors about Culion was totally a big mistake, it was wrong to judge the island based on its past. It was a place you must come to see with your own eyes. Here are some photos that I have taken from Culion.

I was hoping that I can get back there someday, I also praying that the Culionians will preserve their island, maintain its natural beauty and treasure their well-off history from being a leper colony to a world class tourist destination.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm So Tired!

Today was one of the most tiring days of my life, since the very first day of being a college student. Yeah! It’s quite difficult being working student, last night I’ve got home quarter to one o’clock, and then I did my homework and slept around 2:30AM. I forget that I have a class at 9:30AM and because of that I woke up 11 in the morning and was not able to attend my class in my morning schedule. And now while working with this blog my vision gets a little bit blurry. Hopefully I will get home earlier than last night because I want to take some rest.
I’m sure tomorrow will be tiring one also but I know I can deal with that. There are no such GIVING UP words in my vocabulary. By the way this is my first blog, It chills my bone to see what it looks like when I have already posted this on my blog site, haha.. Goodnight everyone, have a peaceful night.